A Prayer for Woodstock
By First Congregational Church Woodstock, VT
Lord God, we here in Woodstock, Vermont are shaken yet grateful this morning after the harrowing events of yesterday in this little hamlet. We mourn the loss of the life of a man who has not yet been identified, but who You know. We grieve with June Wilson in the death of her son. Thank You, Father God, for defending our neighbors and from sparing us additional casualties. We are grateful to You, Jesus, for protecting those in our local and state police who help protect us.
Lord, You know that this kind of horrific violence can be terrifying. It is particularly unsettling as it peels back the illusion of safety and exposes how incredibly vulnerable we truly are. We pray that You would comfort and console us, and help us to realize our desperate need for You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have defeated death itself. We pray that You would provide the true safety that only You can for our neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends. Please use this terrible situation to bring about new-found peace and security. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Contact Pastor Doug Warren (802) 299-1623 PastorDougW@gmail.com
First Congregational Church Woodstock 36 Elm Street Woodstock, VT 05091