We are a Christ-centered community, proclaiming the grace and truth of the Gospel in Woodstock, the Upper Valley and the world, sharing Christ in word and deed.


We endeavor through the Holy Spirit’s power to faithfully serve in this calling by …

  • Proclaiming Christ’s truth and grace.
  • Nurturing young and old in biblical growth.
  • Reaching the lost with the only hope for salvation.
  • Healing the broken with Christ’s love and mercy.
  • Practicing repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation as Christ has commanded.

Statement of Faith

This church believes the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant and authoritative Word of God, its only sufficient rule of faith and practice. This church’s understanding of scripture is set forth in the historic reformed creeds such as the Apostles’ Creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith and summarized in the following statement of faith, first adopted by this church at its organization in the year 1781.

  1. We believe that there is one only living and true God in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. That God is the Creator of all things and the only rightful Governor of the Universe; and that His providence extends to all creatures, preserving them and overruling their actions for His own glory.
  3. That God made man in His own likeness, upright, innocent, holy and happy but in a mutable state and put him under a covenant of works.
  4. That man fell from this estate by sinning against God, and so by nature all mankind are children of wrath and liable to the pains of hell forever.
  5. That God has not left all mankind to perish but before the world was made, elected some to everlasting life, and determined to save them by a Redeemer.
  6. That Jesus Christ, who is both God and man wonderfully united, is the only Redeemer of God’s elect; that He has offered up Himself a sacrifice to God to atone for sin, that He has purchased everlasting salvation for them and by His prevalent intercession carries on the work of redemption, sending His Holy Spirit to work faith and holiness in the elect.
  7. That salvation through Christ is freely offered in the gospel to all that will accept it; yet so stubborn is the heart of every sinner that none will ever come to Christ till drawn by Almighty Power, so that faith by which the sinner is united to Christ is the gift of God and wrought by the Holy Spirit.
  8. We believe that all those who obtain this precious faith (and none others) will receive a free and full pardon of all their sins; become the adopted sons of God; be transformed into His likeness by sanctification, and be kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal life.
  9. Though our salvation be wholly of free grace and there be nothing in us, or that we can do, in the least meritorious; yet God requires of us as necessary qualifications, faith, repentance and holiness (without which none shall see the Lord) with the diligent use of all the means, appointed for the application of the benefits of redemption, which are His work, the ordinances, baptism, and the Lord’s supper, prayer and the preaching of the Word.
  10. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God and that they contain everything which is necessary to be believed and practised by us.
  11. That the moral law is forever binding upon all moral agents: that Christ in the gospel does not in the least dissolve but strengthens their obligations to obey it and to conduct their lives in a manner consistent with it.
  12. We believe that marriage is a typology of Christ and the Church and that marriage has been ordained by God to be the exclusive covenantal union of one man and one woman in a lifetime commitment.
  13. We believe that the body will be raised from the dead and reunited to the soul so that they jointly will be susceptible to happiness or misery to eternity.
  14. That at the last day there will be a great and general judgment, when the Son of man attended with His holy angels, will appear, seated on the Throne of Glory, and will judge the world in righteousness, the result of which will be that the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.